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Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds Donate to NAACP

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds Donate to NAACP

Credit: Steven Ferdman/Getty Images

As protests flare around the country, one celebrity couple is trying to help however they can.

Protests over police brutality and the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis are still going strong all over the country, and indeed, all over the world, as other first world countries hold their own protests in solidarity with the US. Many celebrities are taking action on the issue, with some attending the protests themselves, while others spread the word on social media. One particular celebrity couple, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively, made a point of announcing their donation to a worthy cause, as well as an impassioned plea to all who would hear it.

On both Lively’s and Reynolds’s Instagram, the two announced in a joint post that they would donate $200,000 to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s Legal Defense Fund. “We’ve never had to worry about preparing our kids for different rules of law or what might happen if we’re pulled over in the car,” their post read. “We don’t know what it’s like to experience that life day in and day out. We can’t imagine feeling that kind of fear and anger. We’re ashamed that in the past we’ve allowed ourselves to be uninformed about how deeply rooted systemic racism is.”

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Lively also stressed the importance of educating oneself on racial issues, and especially educating one’s children. She went on to say that their donation to the NAACP is only the beginning of their efforts to aid victims of racial profiling and police brutality. In her own words, Lively said that she and Reynolds “want to use our privilege and platform to be an ally. And play a part in easing pain for so many who feel as though this grand experiment is failing them.”

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