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Want a Stylish Villager? Try these Custom ‘Animal Crossing’ Designs!

Want a Stylish Villager? Try these Custom ‘Animal Crossing’ Designs!

Credit: Nintendo/Nintendolife

It’s your island, wear what you want.

One of the coolest things about the last couple of Animal Crossing games is their potential for custom content. I’m not just talking about turning your island into a scale model of Danny DeVito’s head (although someone did do that, and it was amazing), I’m talking about clothing options. Previous Animal Crossing games allowed you to design your own pixel art clothes, and then share them with QR codes. Now, in New Horizons, you can make even smoother-looking clothes and share them with alphanumeric codes. People have shared all sorts of cool designs all over the internet, from completely original ensembles to pop culture classics. Once you have the Able Sisters’ shop on your island, you can use the Custom Design Portal to download a whole mess of cool designs. Here’s a few fun ones, complete with creator codes so you can grab them yourself.

Credit: @kristincreate via Twitter

Here’s a hoodie guaranteed to make you at least 50% more lovable (but also 50% more susceptible to fire).

Credit: milceymoo via Reddit

You won’t get psychic powers from this dress, but you might start craving Eggos.

Credit: ben2km via Reddit

There’s a flag that’ll let everyone know where the tropical breezes blow.

Credit: @joeyheflich via Twitter

A bright red robe for a courageous youth.

Credit: @RubberNinja via Twitter

You might feel a bit skinnier while wearing this, but there’s no reason to be blue about it.

Credit: TranscendentCabbage via Reddit

I have this on the floor of my house’s rec room, and I will never, ever replace it.

Credit: @dykextra via Twitter

Slap this on the back of your NookPhone for an awesome retro case.

Credit: jollysquish via Reddit

Now here’s a hat that’s worth at least a million dollars.

Credit: @SpeciToS via Twitter

No Dragonites were harmed in the making of this outfit.

Credit: @_Ruadh_ via Twitter

Whoa, careful with that meme, it’s an antique.

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