Steve Cohen Lands Winning Bid on Mets
Can’t be any worse than what we already deal with.
Earlier in the year, the word went out that the owner of the New York Mets, Jeff Willpon, was courting several high profile spenders to buy ownership of the team from him. Two of the biggest names of the docket were hedge fund billionaire Steve Cohen and a celebrity tag-team effort between Jennifer Lopez, Alex Rodriguez, and several others. Things went back and forth for a while, with the Lopez-Rodriguez team saying at one point that they were pulling out, but then diving back in, as well as promising increased payrolls for the Mets themselves. In the end, though, promises are promises, but it’s all about the Benjamins; the Mets’ new owner will be Steve Cohen.
Cohen announced yesterday that he had reached a deal with Willpon to purchase ownership of the Mets to tune of $2.42 billion. Cohen isn’t exactly the most popular guy on the block, having been subject to multiple accusations of insider trading and sexual discrimination. But no matter the reputation of the man himself, he does have mad stacks of cash, and mad stacks raise team valuations.
“The New York Mets have been a moribund franchise,” Jeffrey Klein, a sports attorney at Weil, Gotshal & Manges, explained to NBC News. “I think an infusion of talent and excitement, committed ownership and a long-term business plan will bring back fans, increase viewership and make for a healthy and competitive franchise. If you’re the business partners of Major League Baseball, the advertisers or broadcasters, they’ll be applauding having another viable team.”
“The Mets have a revenue, market size and fan base that should spend more on players than they’ve been doing over the past several years,” Klein continued. “Cohen’s a competitive guy, he’s won in his business, my sense is he will invest the necessary money to be competitive.”
The sale is currently awaiting official approval from the rest of the Major League team owners. For the sale to go through, at least 23 of the 30 owners will need to give the thumbs up.