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Venice Grand Canal Turned Bright Green: No One Knows How

Venice Grand Canal Turned Bright Green: No One Knows How


Credit: Unsplash

Venice’s iconic Grand Canal experienced an unusual transformation on Sunday as a vibrant patch of fluorescent green water appeared, perplexing residents and visitors. Environmental authorities have determined that the cause of this peculiar phenomenon was a chemical commonly used in underwater construction to detect leaks, known as fluorescein. Although fluorescein is non-toxic, it remains unclear how such a substantial volume of the substance ended up in the canal, leading the Regional Agency for the Environment in Venice (ARPAV) to suspect that it was not accidental.

The emerald-colored blob initially caught the attention of residents near the Rialto Bridge on Sunday morning and gradually expanded throughout the day. While no group has claimed responsibility for the incident, local authorities, including the Venice Police, are actively investigating various leads, including potential environmental activism. The police are determined to identify those responsible for this act.

Further tests are underway to ascertain the exact quantity of the chemical in the water, with results expected later in the week. Luca Zaia, the president of the Venetian region, has warned that copycat acts by environmental activists may be imminent.

Interestingly, this is not the first time that Venice’s Grand Canal has undergone a chromatic transformation. In 1968, during the annual Venice Biennale, Argentine artist Nicolás García Uriburu used a fluorescent dye called Fluorescein to dye the canal green. This artistic endeavor aimed to draw attention to ecological concerns and highlight the intricate relationship between nature and civilization.

This vibrant occurrence occurred during the Vogalonga boat event, a celebration dedicated to preserving Venetian traditions, combating wave motion, and raising awareness about the environment and nature. It also coincided with the opening of the Architecture Biennale, further adding to the city’s vibrant atmosphere.

As investigations into the green canal continue, the incident serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between human activities and the natural environment. Venice’s authorities are committed to uncovering the truth behind this spectacle and preserving the city’s cherished canals for future generations.

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