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‘QAnon Shaman’ to Plead Guilty to Role in Capitol Riot

‘QAnon Shaman’ to Plead Guilty to Role in Capitol Riot

Credit: Unsplash

Jacob Chansley will be appearing before a court later today.

Since the riot and insurrection at the United States Capitol Building on January 6, nearly 600 people from 44 different states have been apprehended and charged in federal courts for their roles in the attack. New arrests have been occurring daily, with many of the riot participants either outing themselves on their social media profiles or being outed by friends and family members.

One of the most prominent insurrectionists was Jacob Chansley, better known by his moniker as the “QAnon Shaman,” a self-proclaimed shaman who attended the riot with a distinctive horned bearskin on his head. Chansley was apprehended shortly after the riot back in January, and has been incarcerated ever since. Chansley and his attorney have made multiple requests for his release, with every one being denied as the courts deemed him too much of a threat to be in public.

“Defendant characterizes himself as a peaceful person who was welcomed into the Capitol building on January 6th by police officers. The Court finds none of his many attempts to manipulate the evidence and minimize the seriousness of his actions persuasive,” DC District Judge Royce Lamberth wrote in March.

Today, Chansley is scheduled to appear before a federal court, where he is faced with six different charges including civil disorder and obstructing congressional proceedings. Chansley is expected to plead guilty to at least some of these charges, though neither he nor his attorney have divulged precisely which.

“The path charted by Mr. Chansley since January 6 has been a process, one which has involved pain, depression, solitary confinement, introspection, recognition of mental health vulnerabilities, and a coming to grips with the need for more self-work,” Chansley’s attorney Al Watkins said in a statement.

Chansley, for his part, has claimed a desire to distance himself from the Q movement, and requests future references to his person no longer include mention of it.

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